Calf Crop Genomics (CCG)
A research project launched by the American Simmental Association in collaboration with Neogen Genomics
The American Simmental Association (ASA) has partnered with Neogen to offer today’s cattlemen and women the tools to ensure the most productive and profitable return on their Simmental genetics. With an ever-increasing demand for irrefutable, science-based data within commercial and seedstock industries alike, ASA has developed Calf Crop Genomics (CCG), a genotyping project designed with the producer in mind. Not only does CCG allow for more accurate selection decisions and parentage testing, but it’s offered at half the cost of regular genomic testing.
Calf Crop Genomics
Benefits to Participating Members:
- Discounted Pricing and Additional Rebates. A GGP-100K panel is offered at half the price of the normal testing – reduced from $50 down to only $25/head. Participating members may also be able to receive a $5 rebate/head if 90% of the birth group have birth and weaning weights reported, and 90% of the calves in-possession post weaning have yearling weights reported. Any member that reports both weight traits and carcass records can qualify for a $15 rebate. Animals can only qualify for ONE phenotypic rebate.
- Parentage Verification and Selection Decisions. Adding genomics to genetic predictions is similar to knowing 10 to 25 progeny records on that animal before they have had a single calf of their own. Having this amount of data to help you sort your future seedstock increases the accuracy of selecting cattle to improve certain traits or indexes. Add to that, the benefit of knowing the pedigrees and you can see how CCG improves your genetic predictions and adds value to your decisions and your customers’ decisions. The current error rate in parentage reporting is estimated at 7%. Enrolling calves in CCG will not only reveal and help correct pedigree reporting errors (which result in more accurate EPD predictions), but will also keep their parentage markers on file for future parentage analysis against their progeny.
- Discounted Trait Testing. Trait testing is considerably less expensive when ordered with a genomic test than testing for simple traits without a genomic panel. Add-on price discounts can be viewed here.
Requirements for CCG Enrollment
Members have several options for which calves they can enroll in CCG: 1) 100% of all male calves born in the same season, 2) 100% of all female calves born in the same season, or 3) their entire calf crop reported for that season.* For the purpose of this project, spring calves are considered born from January 1 through June 30, and fall calves are considered born from July 1 through December 31.
*Members must submit a minimum of 90% of the calves born in a season (males, females, or entire calf crop) to be eligible for the discounted price. If less than 90% of calves is met, the member is responsible for a fulfillment fee of $25/head for the number of calves needed to meet the 90% threshold.
Other requirements include:
- Only tissue samples (TSUs) will be accepted for the CCG project.
- Calves must be registered or placed on-file with an ASA number.
- Only animals with EPD displayed prior to DNA testing will receive genomically enhanced EPD.
- All sample information must be provided on this electronic DNA order form.
- The project agreement form must be signed and submitted.
Who should I contact if I have questions?
Email or call 406-587-4531.