American Simmental~Simbrah Foundation

Mission Statement
- Support of ASA's youth program through scholarships or program sponsorship.
- Continuing education programs for beef enthusiasts and members of the youth program.
- Expanded educational programs for ASA and members of the beef industry in the areas of performance testing, leadership, and bovine management.
- Research grants to qualified colleges and universities for documentation of bovine performance and research into the prevention of, or cure for, cattle diseases.
- Other projects or activities as may be determined by the parent association.

Foundation Objectives
Fall Educational Symposium
Each fall the ASA will host an educational session in conjunction with the fall board meeting. The 2014 session was very successful with nearly 150 attendees. The day-long event featured genetically oriented talks from nationally recognized experts in livestock genetics and animal breeding. Seedstock producers, commercial cattlemen, industry personnel, other breed associations, and academics participated in the session and following social. Join us in hosting the 2015 Educational Session by donating funds for this event. Goal $10,000/year.
Steer Profitability Contest
The AJSA Steer Profitability Competition (SPC) is designed to provide members of the AJSA meaningful exposure to the opportunities and challenges associated with cattle feeding. The SPC will not only allow participants to measure and compare the profitability of their own animal(s), but of greater importance, will introduce young beef enthusiasts to peers, mentors, industry advocates, and experiences that are exceedingly difficult to acquire for any beef producer.

Foundation Endowment
Previous donations to the Foundation were invested by the current and past Foundation board members to create this endowment. The endowment is a permanent, self-sustaining source of funding that allows stability for the future and will provide a steady source of income over time. The Foundation may commit a percentage of the invested capital each year toward an educational, research, or youth program.
Contributions designated for this endowment will be invested as part of good financial planning to ensure the Foundation will stay strongly committed to its mission and to ensure ASA continues to advance and maintain its leadership in the industry.


Randy Moody, Chairman
Mark Smith (2024)
Tonya Phillips (2024)
Cathy Eichacker (2024)
Brandi Karisch (2024)
Scott Cowger (2024)
Bob Mullion (2024)
Jennifer Tarr (2024)
Aaron Owen (2026)
Kelly Schmidt (2026)
Adrianne Trennepohl (2026)
Carrie Horman (2026)
Mia Bayer, Lead Staff
Linda Kesler, Wade Shafer

Membership levels are based on the actual monetary value of your donation to the American Simmental~Simbrah Foundation.
Become a Member of the Legacy Foundation Group
All breeders who host an annual production sale, consignment sale, bull sale, or online sale are asked to commit to donating the proceeds of either an animal or a genetic lot sold in their annual sale.
A live animal or pregnancy will donate, at a minimum, 50% of the proceeds of the sale to the American~Simmental Simbrah Foundation. Proceeds will be designated by the donor to any of the 4 pillars (Research & Technology, Youth, Education, and General) within the Foundation.
A genetic lot (embryos, semen, or flush) will donate 100% of the proceeds of the lot to the American~Simmental Foundation. Proceeds will be designated by the donor to any of the 4 pillars (Research & Technology, Youth, Education, and General) within the Foundation.
If you are interested in donating a Legacy Lot in your sale please fill out this form to register your lot. This allows the American Simmental~Simbrah Foundation to endorse and publicize your sale. Following the sale, please download, complete, and submit the Legacy Lot Buyer Information document to so that the buyers may be properly recognized.
Eichacker Simmental, Shoal Creek Simmentals, MBK Cattle/Fenton Farms, Simmentals, Triple S Land & Cattle, Griswold Cattle, Joe Seale & Victor Guerra, Buckles and Banners Sale, and Red River Farms.
A big thank you from the American Simmental~Simbrah Foundation