Simmental's American Journey Order Form
"I've read my copy three times. Amazing job done! I appreciate learning the vast amount of history, and specifically what happened to the breed through the 1980's".  Craig Johnson.

"Loved the presentation! I too would encourage everyone to take the time and read the book, it is a great and honest synopsis of the history of the ASA and a truly thoughtful piece. History has its greatest value when its lessons help shape our future.Congratulations Bob and thanks for all of your efforts!"   Marty Ropp

"Our mail came this morning and l've been glued to this wonderful book all day ! "Simmental's American Journey" tells the story of a great breed of cattle that originated in Switzerland but crossed the Atlantic ocean in the late 60's ! Thanks to Dr Bob Hough , Paulette Cochenour and others who put over 70,000 words and 400 photos into this great book ! Only $25 and available from the American Simmental Association ! No doubt if you're an Ag educator you need this book as a reference in your classroom ! In fact if you are a breeder of Simgenetic cattle this would be a great gift for your local Ag teachers or County Agent !"   Bill Moss

“Simmental's American Journey isn't a pretentious stroll through history. Dr. Hough candidly tackles the breed’s history through good times and tough years. He stresses the lessons learned at FOCUS 2000 and its pivotal role in our breed’s re-alignment with industry needs. He emphasizes Simmental’s science and performance roots, and frankly depicts the leadership’s strengths and visions. This book accurately conveys the Association’s struggles and vitality. It is a must-read for ag history buffs, as well as future cattlemen.” Susan Russell, Sugar City, CO, Colorado Simmental Association Secretary & Treasurer and former ASA Trustee.

Fill out the form below to order your copy today. Your account will be billed

$25.00 plus shipping and handling.

Bulk pricing is available per case (15 book in a case)  at $10.00/book plus shipping and handling.
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Books are $25.00/each plus shipping and handling. Your ASA account will be billed for the full amount.
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